A downloadable mod

JavaScript demo online with a functioning 4 bit full adder.

Hi, this mod adds redstone to NTT. It's just a prototype and it's not supposed to be too serious. It is kinda laggy with a lot of active redstone dusts.

There are four redstone piece types:
Redstone dusts (Crystal) and levers (Plant) basically work the same as Minecraft's.
Pistons (Eyes) get energy from dusts/levers in every direction except the one they are pushing. They push redstone pieces in from of them and doing so will push all the pieces behind it. Retracting will take the block back, atracting also all the block behind it.
Blocks (Steroids) are not affected by redstone power and can be pushed and retracted by pistons.


  • [6] to place a block
  • [7] to place redstone dust
  • [8] to place a lever
  • [9] to place a piston poining up
  • [hold 9 + any wasd key + release 9] to place a piston in the wasd direction (couldn't think of any better way to place pistons)
  • [E] when on a lever to activate/deactivate it
  • [hold B + 1] to clear all redstone pieces

The command /loadredstone or /loadrs will load a txt from the redstone_contraptions folder in mods. You can download redstone_contraptions.zip as an example, there are doubleNOT, 4OR, 3AND and XNOR gates in there.

Thanks to Cilian#5100 for helping me with the loadrs feature.

btw the sit animations are not placeholders just because i can't make art i swear:

  • crystals can conduct energy, as shown by lighting and laser crystals
  • plants get energy from the sun when they open their petals, which are actually solar panels
  • eyes can push things with his mind
  • steroids is human and... ehm... doesn't conduct... ?

1st update: no more lag, using instance_nearest instead of ds_lists
2nd update: just added the js demo


redstone.mod.gml 6.9 kB
redstone_contraptions.zip 926 bytes

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